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  • Common Basketball Injuries

    Common Basketball Injuries

    Sprains and strains: Sprains and strains are caused by minor tears or stretching. Note, this does not mean stretching as in warm ups, but when an area is suddenly stretched further than it is intended.

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  • Wrestling Injuries

    Wrestling Injuries

    Shoulder injuries are one of the most common injuries in wrestling. Popular moves like head-levers, armbars and hammerlocks place immense pressure on the shoulder joint. It’s not uncommon for wrestlers to experience rotator cuff or ligament tears as a result.

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  • What is Arthroscopic Surgery?

    What is Arthroscopic Surgery?

    The type of anesthesia used will depend on the duration of the procedure. There is local anesthesia (blocks a limited area, like a knee) regional anesthesia (numbs the lower half of your body) and general anesthesia (places the patient unconscious).

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  • Tips to Follow During Physical Therapy

    Tips to Follow During Physical Therapy

    When it comes to physical therapy and exercise, shortcuts take longer. Physical therapists strive to lead you back to health and normal movement but need 100 percent effort from their patients. This includes giving your full effort during physical therapy and also following the at-home regimes as close as possible.

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  • Living with Chronic Back Pain

    Living with Chronic Back Pain

    Chronic back pain is real, and most people will experience it at some point in their lives. In fact, a 2012 American Physical Therapy Association survey found nearly two-thirds of Americans experience low-back pain but 37 percent do not seek professional help for pain relief. Whether it’s mild or severe, short or long-termed, low-back pain makes nearly every daily activity difficult and painful.

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  • Musculoskeletal Disorders in Farmers

    Musculoskeletal Disorders in Farmers

    Farming is physically and mentally taxing. While your team is working long hours to finish up as fast as possible, fatigue and soreness will eventually set in. However, that nagging pain might not be soreness, but a musculoskeletal injury instead. Left unchecked, this could lead to lasting pain and discomfort, significantly impeding your future work.

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  • What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

    What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

    Since the bones, ligaments and connective tissue of the carpal tunnel are rigid, there is little room for expansion. Whether it’s the ligaments and bones creating the carpal tunnel or the ligaments and nerves running through it, carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when one for the parts involved becomes inflamed, narrowing the passageway and cause pain and discomfort in the area by placing pressure on the median nerve.

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  • Little League Guidelines for Youth Baseball Players

    Little League Guidelines for Youth Baseball Players

    Many people are unaware of the fact that the majority of ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction—or Tommy John—surgeries are for teenage athletes. While little leaguers are not quite teenagers, now is the time to take preventative action, as it’s the prime time for future injuries to fester.

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  • What is Trigger Finger?

    What is Trigger Finger?

    Individuals suffering from conditions such as gout, rheumatoid arthritis, and diabetes are more vulnerable to developing trigger finger. Individuals that work in certain industries that require heavy use of their hands, such as farmers, musicians, and industrial workers, are also at greater risk. Additionally, women are more susceptible to the condition than men.

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  • Symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis

    Symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis

    The condition is common among people who live active lifestyles or are on their feet a lot. Over time, the plantar fascia ligaments wear down because they are essentially shock absorbers for your feet. When too much pressure is put on the ligaments, they can tear and become damaged, resulting in inflammation, heel stiffness and pain.

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